Browse by: "2018"


Title Index

Year Index

  • 27 Nov 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

The successful governance of critical risks is a strategic investment in preserving economic competitiveness and sustainable growth and in ensuring safer and better lives for the future. Citizens and businesses expect governments to be prepared for a wide range of possible crises and global shocks. However, the increasing frequency of events previously believed impossible, and their significant economic impact, has often revealed significant governance gaps. This OECD report provides an overview of countries' progess in implementing the Recommendation of the Council on the Governance of Critical Risks, which were designed to better govern and manage complex national risks. Based on an OECD wide survey, the report evaluates the progress made by countries, seeking to evaluate the key challenges in institutional, policy, administrative and regulatory mechanisms, used to manage critical risks from a whole of government perspective. The ultimate goal is to guide governments in minimising the effects of critical risks on economies and on citizens' daily lives to preserve national security.

  • 27 Nov 2018
  • Joseph E. Stiglitz, Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Martine Durand
  • Pages: 144

Metrics matter for policy and policy matters for well-being. In this report, the co-chairs of the OECD-hosted High Level Expert Group on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Jean-Paul Fitoussi and Martine Durand, show how over-reliance on GDP as the yardstick of economic performance misled policy makers who did not see the 2008 crisis coming. When the crisis did hit, concentrating on the wrong indicators meant that governments made inadequate policy choices, with severe and long-lasting consequences for many people. While GDP is the most well-known, and most powerful economic indicator, it can’t tell us everything we need to know about the health of countries and societies. In fact, it can’t even tell us everything we need to know about economic performance. We need to develop dashboards of indicators that reveal who is benefitting from growth, whether that growth is environmentally sustainable, how people feel about their lives, what factors contribute to an individual’s or a country’s success. This book looks at progress made over the past 10 years in collecting well-being data, and in using them to inform policies. An accompanying volume, For Good Measure: Advancing Research on Well-being Metrics Beyond GDP, presents the latest findings from leading economists and statisticians on selected issues within the broader agenda on defining and measuring well-being.

German, Polish

Le Programme international de l’OCDE pour le suivi des acquis des élèves (PISA) cherche non seulement à évaluer ce que les élèves savent en sciences, en compréhension de l’écrit et en mathématiques, mais aussi à déterminer ce qu’ils sont capables de faire avec ces connaissances. Les résultats de l’enquête PISA révèlent la qualité et l’équité de l’apprentissage dans le monde entier, et offrent aux professionnels de l’éducation et aux responsables politiques la possibilité de découvrir les politiques et pratiques d’autres pays et de s’en inspirer. Vous avez entre les mains l’un des cinq volumes qui présentent les résultats de l’évaluation PISA 2015, la sixième édition de cette enquête triennale. Le volume I, L’excellence et l’équité dans l’éducation, résume la performance des élèves en sciences, en compréhension de l’écrit et en mathématiques, et définit et mesure l’équité dans l’éducation. Il se concentre sur les attitudes des élèves à l’égard de l’apprentissage en sciences et analyse leur aspiration à embrasser une carrière scientifique. Il examine aussi l’évolution de la performance et de l’équité ces dernières années dans les pays et économies participant à l’enquête PISA. Le volume II, Politiques et pratiques pour des établissements performants, examine les liens entre la performance des élèves et diverses caractéristiques des établissements et des systèmes d’éducation, notamment les ressources affectées à l’éducation, l’environnement d’apprentissage et les critères de sélection des élèves entre les établissements, les filières d’enseignement et les classes. Le volume III, Le bien-être des élèves, décrit la relation entre les résultats scolaires des élèves de 15 ans et leur vie sociale et leurs attitudes à l’égard de l’apprentissage. Le volume IV, La culture financière des élèves, analyse les connaissances et l’expérience des élèves dans les matières financières. Le volume V, La résolution collaborative de problèmes, analyse la capacité des élèves à travailler à plusieurs pour la résolution de problèmes. Il examine aussi le rôle de l’éducation dans le développement de la capacité des jeunes à résoudre des problèmes en équipe.


Les Comptes nationaux des pays de l'OCDE, Tableaux Détaillés fournissent, en plus des principaux agrégats, des comptes nationaux détaillés pour les dépenses de consommation finale des ménages par fonction, les comptes simplifiés des trois principaux secteurs : administrations publiques, sociétés et ménages. Les données sont montrées pour tous les pays de l'OCDE et la Zone euro depuis 2007. Les données sont exprimées en monnaie nationale. Les données sont basées sur le Système de Comptabilité Nationale de 2008 (SCN 2008) pour tous les pays.


The National Accounts of OECD Countries, Detailed Tables includes, in addition to main aggregates including GDP, final consumption expenditure of households by purpose, simplified accounts for three main sectors: general government, corporations and households. Data are shown for all OECD countries and the Euro area back to 2007. Country tables are expressed in national currency. Data are based on the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA) for all countries.


This report assesses the key bottlenecks within the water-energy-land-food nexus in Korea, and proposes policy recommendations and governance arrangements to future-proof environmental integrity and enhance sustainable growth. The increasing pressure caused by urbanisation, industrialisation, population growth and climate change in Korea has led to more land consumption and augmented water supply, at the expense of the environment and at a high cost for public finance. Korea has engaged with the OECD via a national policy dialogue to explore best practices from the wider international community to better manage the nexus at the river basin scale.

  • 22 Nov 2018
  • OECD, European Union
  • Pages: 212

Health at a Glance: Europe 2018 presents comparative analyses of the health status of EU citizens and the performance of the health systems of the 28 EU Member States, 5 candidate countries and 3 EFTA countries. It is the first step in the State of Health in the EU cycle of knowledge brokering. This publication has two parts. Part I comprises two thematic chapters, the first focusing on the need for concerted efforts to promote better mental health, the second outlining possible strategies for reducing wasteful spending in health. In Part II, the most recent trends in key indicators of health status, risk factors and health spending are presented, together with a discussion of progress in improving the effectiveness, accessibility and resilience of European health systems.

  • 22 Nov 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

The Spanish economy continues its strong growth, thanks to past structural reforms, robust employment growth and accommodative macroeconomic policies. However, the legacy of the crisis has not yet been fully overcome and imbalances remain. The robust recovery provides an opportunity to keep reducing macroeconomic and financial vulnerabilities, such as high public and external debt. The resilience of public finances should be increased to address medium-term challenges, including spending pressures from demographic changes. Income inequality is high and displays regional differences in Spain. More effective use of taxes and transfers, bringing people back into employment and reducing regional disparities would make growth more inclusive. Improving productivity growth, which remains subdued, will require firms to be more exposed to competition and innovation. Policies to improve education and skills will deliver results not only in terms of productivity growth, but also better employment prospects and wages. Spain is a highly decentralised country, making the effective implementation of national reforms dependent on regional policies. More effective coordination and cooperation across different levels of government are needed to improve the effectiveness of policies.



This working document has been prepared to address the assessment of secondary metabolites of microbial biocontrol agents. The main focus of this working document is the assessment of the hazards and risk of secondary metabolites produced during the manufacturing of microbial pest control products and after their application in the field. This document addresses a number of important topics for secondary metabolites, including concerns that microbial pest control products could be associated with known or as yet uncharacterised ‘new’ secondary metabolites. A background document is available as an annex to help provide clarity on issues and terminology related to secondary metabolites of microbial biocontrol agents. This document may also form the basis of a future OECD Guidance Document on the subject.

  • 21 Nov 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 296

Im OECD-Wirtschaftsausblick analysiert die OECD zweimal jährlich die wichtigsten wirtschaftlichen Trends und die Aussichten für die kommenden zwei Jahre. Der Wirtschaftsausblick liefert einen in sich stimmigen Satz von Projektionen zu gesamtwirtschaftlicher Produktion, Beschäftigung, Preisentwicklung, Haushaltssalden und Leistungsbilanzen.

Die vorliegende Ausgabe enthält eine allgemeine Beurteilung der Wirtschaftslage und ein Sonderkapitel über die Konsequenzen der Entkopplung von Lohn- und Produktivitätsentwicklung auf die Politikgestaltung. Ein Kapitel, in dem die Entwicklungen und Projektionen für die einzelnen Länder zusammengefasst sind, und ein Statistischer Anhang schließen den Ausblick ab.

English, French

Este estudio analiza el sistema de integridad del Estado de Nuevo León y las reformas para desarrollar una cultura de integridad en su administración pública, en congruencia con el Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción. El estudio presta especial atención a los mecanismos para bridar consejo y orientación oportuna a los funcionarios públicos cuando se confrontan con dilemas y cuestionamientos éticos. Además, analiza las fortalezas y debilidades del control interno y el marco para la gestión de riesgos y el grado en el cual las reformas a las políticas de integridad en Nuevo León promueven la participación de la sociedad en su conjunto, involucrando efectivamente a los ciudadanos y al sector privado. Finalmente, el estudio proporciona un plan de acción para apoyar estos esfuerzos, atender los retos actuales y facilitar un respaldo permanente a la construcción de un sistema sostenible de integridad pública.


This review analyses the integrity system of Nuevo León, Mexico, as well as its efforts to build a culture of integrity in the public administration. It looks at mechanisms for providing timely advice and guidance to public officials when they are confronted with integrity-related questions and dilemmas. Furthermore, it analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the internal control and risk management framework, and the extent to which Nuevo León’s integrity reforms effectively engage citizens and the private sector. Finally, the Review provides an action plan to support these efforts, address ongoing challenges, and facilitate the creation of a sustainable public integrity system.

  • 21 Nov 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 304

Les Perspectives économiques de l’OCDE, publication semestrielle, présentent une analyse des grandes tendances économiques qui marqueront les deux années à venir. Les Perspectives économiques proposent un ensemble cohérent de projections concernant la production, l’emploi, les prix et balances des opérations courantes et budgétaires.
Tous les pays membres de l’OCDE sont examinés ainsi que certains pays non membres. Cette édition comporte une évaluation générale, un chapitre spécial sur les implications du découplage salaires-productivité sur les politiques publiques et un chapitre résumant les tendances économiques et fournissant des projections par pays.
L'Annexe statistique est disponible uniquement en ligne, à l'adresse https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/eco_outlook-v22018-2-fr.

German, English
  • 20 Nov 2018
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 31

This document aims to support cities in setting road safety targets and to monitor progress in improving urban road safety. Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists account for nearly 80% of urban traffic fatalities. Cities should thus intensify efforts to improve the safety of vulnerable road users. This document presents traffic safety indicators for different road user groups collected in 31 cities to facilitate the evaluation, monitoring and benchmarking of road safety outcomes. It places a particular attention on measuring the risk of fatality per unit distance travelled.

  • 20 Nov 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 196

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are highly intertwined with sectors such as health, education, energy or agriculture. Hence, measuring official development finance (ODF) flowing to sectors is critical to designing efficient development strategies in the SDG era. Yet, this exercise is complex, and this report is a first attempt to provide a comprehensive picture of ODF allocations by sector.

The analysis includes not only official development assistance (ODA), but also other official flows (OOF) and resources mobilised from the private sector by official development interventions. It provides unique data for the period 2012-16 on sectors financing by country, type of instrument and channel of delivery. It looks into potential data gaps and the challenge of matching the traditional typologies of donors’ investment by sector with their expected, multi-sectoral outcomes, as framed by the SDGs. The report provides policy makers and sectoral experts with some insights into the implications of the 2030 Agenda for the sectoral strategies of development co-operation providers.

This publication examines the risks associated with the release of excessive nitrogen into the environment (climate change, depletion of the ozone layer, air pollution, water pollution, loss of biodiversity, deterioration of soil quality). The report also examines the uncertainty associated with the ability of nitrogen to move from one ecosystem to another and cause "cascading effects". In addition to better management of nitrogen risks at the local level, there is a need to consider the global risks associated with the continued increase in nitrous oxide concentrations and to prevent excess nitrogen in all its forms by developing cost-effective strategies for all its sources. Other than the reduction of nitrogen pollution, this report provides guidance on the use of nitrogen policy instruments and how to ensure coherence with objectives such as food security, energy security and environmental objectives.

  • 20 Nov 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 224

Les gouvernements d'aujourd'hui sont confrontés à un ensemble complexe de problèmes interdépendants, d'attentes croissantes des citoyens et de contraintes budgétaires. En outre, ils doivent opérer dans un contexte de changements rapides, géopolitiques, économiques, sociaux et environnementaux. Les politiques et programmes actuels risquent de ne pas être adaptés pour relever les défis d'aujourd'hui, encore moins ceux de demain. Les gouvernements ont donc besoin d'une approche systémique de l'innovation dans le secteur public pour développer et proposer des solutions innovantes qui répondent aux besoins actuels et futurs des citoyens. Ce rapport examine l'expérience et le contexte de la fonction publique du Canada (où l'accent a été mis sur l'innovation), et propose un nouveau système d'innovation du secteur public pour aider le Canada et d’autres pays.

  • 20 Nov 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 196

Governments today are confronted with a complex array of interconnected problems, increased citizen expectations, and fiscal constraints. Furthermore, they must operate in a context of fast-paced technological, geopolitical, economic, social, and environmental change. Existing policies and programmes may not be suitable for tackling the challenges of today, let alone those of tomorrow. Governments therefore require a systemic approach to public sector innovation to develop and deliver novel solutions that meet the existing and emergent needs of citizens. This report looks at the experience and context of the Public Service of Canada, where significant emphasis has been placed on innovation, and proposes a new public sector innovation system model to assist Canada and other countries.


The OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook 2018 is the twelfth edition in a series that biennially reviews key trends in science, technology and innovation (STI) policy in OECD countries and a number of major partner economies. The 14 chapters within this edition look at a range of topics, notably the opportunities and challenges related to enhanced data access, the impacts of artificial intelligence on science and manufacturing, and the influence of digitalisation on research and innovation. The report also discusses the shortcomings of current policy measures, how the Sustainable Development Goals are re-shaping STI policy agendas, and the need for new - more flexible and agile - approaches to technology governance and policy design. While these disruptive changes challenge policy makers in a number of ways, the digital revolution underway also provides solutions for better policy targeting, implementation and monitoring.

This report relies on the latest academic work in the field, research and innovation statistical data, as well as data on wider trends and issues. It makes extensive use of country responses to the 2017 EC OECD STI policy survey (https://stip.oecd.org) and features contributions by renowned experts and academics to broaden the debate and provide more personal, sometimes controversial, angles to it.


Science, technologie et innovation : Perspectives de l'OCDE est une publication bisannuelle visant à informer les décideurs et les analystes sur les changements récents et possibles des modèles de la science, la technologie et de l'innovation (STI) et leurs implications potentielles pour les politiques nationales et internationales. L'édition de 2018 est composée de 14 chapitres concis qui mettent en lumière plusieurs sujets pertinents pour les agendas politiques actuels en matière de STI. Ceux-ci abordent notamment les opportunités et les défis, découlant d’un meilleur accès aux données, pour la science et l’innovation; la manière dont les objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies façonnent les agendas politiques de la STI; les impacts de l'intelligence artificielle sur la science et la fabrication; l'influence de la numérisation sur la manière dont les activités de recherche et d'innovation, et les mesures politiques qui les soutiennent, sont mesurées et évaluées; et de nouvelles approches en matière de gouvernance technologique et de conception des politiques.

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