OECD Development Co-operation Working Papers

OECD Development Co-operation Working Papers cover work on understanding aid flows, strengthening aid delivery and improving development policy. Topics include, among others, aid statistics and architecture, aid effectiveness, capacity development, development co-operation systems and management, evaluation of development programmes, as well as the relationship between development and trade, conflict and fragility, environment, gender equality, governance and poverty reduction.


Official Development Finance for Infrastructure

With a Special Focus on Multilateral Development Banks

This working paper provides a broad picture of official financial flows for infrastructure development in developing countries by bilateral and multilateral development partners. Multilateral development banks are further examined in a special section. The paper offers an overview volumes and distributions of financial flows, including those channelled to private sector operations and those mobilised from the private sector by guarantees, syndicated loans and collective investment vehicles. This report, which builds on previous work on the topic, will contribute to research and policy dialogue on filling the financial gap in infrastructure in developing countries. It will also support the monitoring of Sustainable Development Goal 9 and the discussions of the G20 on infrastructure development.


Keywords: donor, Infrastructure, Official Development Finance, Development Agency, Multilateral Development Bank
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